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ASM Hydrasynth Desktop

Szintetizátor hangmodul
Bruttó listaár:312900 Ft
Eladási ár:295000 Ft
Nettó ár:232283 Ft
Kedvezmény:17900 Ft
Adó összege:62717 Ft
Akciós termék Tooltip






Az Ashun Sound Machines "Hydrasynth" szériájában a korábbi szintetizátor koncepciókhoz képest némileg átfogalmazza a hangkeltés mibenlétét.
A készülékek teljesen digitális platformon képezik a hangzásokat, részben modellező technológiát alkalmazva, részben pedig visszatérve a wavetable szintézishez, mindez megspékelve egy nagyon erőteljes modulációs rendszerrel. Az eredmény újszerű, izgalmas hangzások létrehozása, a soundesignerek és as kreatív billentyűsök örömére.
A hangkeltés 8 hangra polifonikus, a készülék nem multimbrális.

 A hangkeltést 3 oszcillátoron alapul, melyek mindegyikéhez 219 egyciklusú hullámformából rendelhetünk hozzá egy-egy (max 8 elemből álló) hullámforma sorozatot. Az első két oszcillátoron képződött jelet pedig "wavemorphing" átalakítókon vezethetjük át, melyek bizonyos algoritmusok szerint változtatják meg a jelalakokat.
Természetesen szűrők és keverő funkciók segítségével tudunk elbánni a képződött hanggal, és mindezt igen gazdag modulációs lehetőségek spékelik meg.






Physical Specifications

Metal Chassis
  • Steel top and bottom
  • Aluminum side panels
  • 5U in rack (rack ears included)

24 Polytouch® pads
  • 24 velocity- and pressure-sensitive RGB pads
  • Selectable velocity / aftertouch curves

Patch Memory
  • 8 banks with 128 patches each: 1,024 total
  • Sort patches by Patch number, Name, or Category
  • Browse Favorites: Select 32 patches from any bank for immediate access

CV / Gate Inputs and Outputs
  • Supports multiple CV / Gate standards
    ◦ CV
      - 1v per octave 0-10V
      - 1v per octave +/-5V
      - Hz to Volts 0-10V
      - 1.2V per octave
      - Adjustable offset: +/-99 cents
      - Adjustable reference note: C-1 to G9
    ◦ Gate
      - V-trig, S-trig
      - 3V, 5V, 10V
    ◦ Mod In / Out range
      - +/-5V, 0-10V, 0-5V, 0-1V
      - Adjustable offset: +/-3V
    ◦ Clock Out
      - 1PPS, 2PPQ, 24PPQ, 48 PPQ
      - Clock Voltage: 3v, 5V, 10V
      - Selectable clock division: Off, 1/2, 2, 4
      - Adjustable offset: +/- 100ms

  • Voice overflow mode to expand polyphony with a second Hydrasynth

Expression pedal input
  • Selectable curves and polarity

Sustain pedal input
  • Polarity sensing
  • Three modes of operation: Sustain, Sostenuto, and Modulation Only

DC input jack

USB port
  • Supports USB MIDI In / Out

Audio outputs
  • Stereo analog outputs (balanced)
  • Rear-panel headphone connector
    ◦ 6.35 mm (1⁄4 inch)
    ◦ Impedance: 16 – 75 Ohm

  • 44 x 22.3 x 7 cm (17.32 x 8.78 x 2.76 inches)

  • 3.6kg (7.94 lbs)

Sound Patch Specifications

8 Voice Advanced Wavetable synthesis

Oscillators 1 and 2: Wavemorphing oscillators
  • 219 single-cycle waveforms
  • User wavetables
    ◦ 8 user-selectable waves per oscillator to build custom wavetables
    ◦ WaveScan parameter lets you morph through the wavetables
    ◦ Every patch can have two unique wavetables
  • Bit reduction: 11 settings from 2 to 16 bits, and Off
  • +/- 3 octave tuning range
  • Keytracking: 0-200%

Oscillator 3: fixed Wave oscillator
  • 219 single-cycle waveforms
  • Bit reduction: 11 settings from 2 to 16 bits, and Off
  • +/- 3 octave tuning range
  • Keytracking: 0-200%

Dual Mutants per oscillator (Osc 1 and 2)
  • FM: Linear FM
    ◦ Selectable Modulator source:
      - Internal Sine & Triangle waves, Oscillators 1-3, Ring Mod, Noise generator, Mutants 1-4, External Mod inputs 1 & 2
  • WavStack™: Generates 5 detuned waves from the input source, with adjustable detune amount
  • Hard Sync (Osc Sync): gives that classic sync sweep sound
    ◦ Selectable sync input source: Oscillators 1-3
    ◦ Adjustable Hann window to shape the output
  • Pulse Width Modulation (PW-Orig): Adjusts the pulse width of any waveform
  • PW-Squeeze: Compresses the center section of the waveform, for a unique type of PWM
  • PW-ASM: 8 adjustable Warp points can be applied to the waveform, for a unique form of FM synthesis
    ◦ Warp points can be modulated individually through the Mod Matrix
  • Harmonic Sweep: scans through the harmonics of the incoming waveform
  • PhazDiff: creates a new sound by combining phase shifting and summing techniques
  • Depth control for all Mutants
  • FeedBack control for all Mutants (except WavStack): 0-150%
  • Ratio control for Osc Sync, Harmonic, and all PWM Mutants: 0.250:1 - 64:1
    ◦ Mutations occur up to 64 times in one waveform cycle, or as few as once in four cycles
  • Dry/Wet mix to blend the input source with the Mutant output

Noise Generator
  • White, Pink, Brown, Red, Blue, Violet, Grey noise sources

Ring Modulator
  • Selectable input source:
    ◦ Oscillators 1-3, Noise, Mutants 1-4, External Mod inputs 1 & 2
  • Depth control

Sound source mixer
  • Independent level control for Oscillators 1-3, Noise, and Ring Mod
  • Panning for each source
  • Filter routing mix
  • Each source can be soloed
    ◦ Solo status is saved with the patch

Two Filters
  • Series or parallel routing
  • Filter 1
    ◦ 12 & 24dB/octave modern ladder (compensated)
    ◦ 12 & 24dB/octave vintage ladder (uncompensated)
    ◦ 3-Ler LP, BP, HP
    ◦ MS20 HP, LP
    ◦ Low Pass Gate
    ◦ STN LP, BP, HP
    ◦ 1 pole LP
    ◦ 8 pole LP
    ◦ Vocal filter
    ◦ Multiple vowel order options
      - Formant parameter
  • Filter 2 (SEM style)
    ◦ Continuously Variable Low pass > Band pass > High pass
    ◦ Continuously Variable Low pass > Notch > High pass

Patch-level parameters
  • Poly, Mono, and Unison modes
  • Two glide modes: Glide and Glissando
  • 60 scales available, including microtonal
    ◦ New scales can be imported from third-party software
  • VoiceMod: independent modulation levels available per voice, per patch
  • MPE support
  • NRPN / CC automation capability
  • Randomize or initialize parameters, modules, or an entire patch

Modulation Specifications

5x Low Frequency Oscillators
  • 10 static waves
    ◦ Sine, Triangle, Saw up, Saw down, Square, Pulse 27%, Pulse 13%, S&H, Noise, Random
  • Step Wave: up to 64 user-definable steps (similar to a step sequencer)
    ◦ SemiLock for chromatic pitch sequencing
    ◦ Can advance one step per trigger
  • Clock sync
  • Variable rate
    ◦ BPM Sync Off: 0.02 - 150 Hz
    ◦ BPM Sync On: 1/64T - 64' (16 bars), including dotted and triplet options
  • Starting phase
  • Start delay
  • Fade in
  • Master LFO output gain
  • Trigger modes: Mono, Poly, Off (free run)
  • One shot modes: Off, On, and Step
  • Adjustable smoothing of waves and LFO steps
  • LFO quantize: 8 levels

5x Envelope Generators
  • 6 stage DAHDSR envelopes
    ◦ Delay, Attack, Hold, Decay, Sustain, Release
    ◦ Slope curves for ADR stages
    ◦ Variable from full exponential to full logarithmic
    ◦ Use Tempo or Time option for setting the length of each stage
  • BPM Sync option
  • Looping of AHD stages
    ◦ Loop 2-50 times or indefinitely
    ◦ Envelopes can function as additional LFOs
  • Envelope quantize: 8 levels
  • Trigger modes: Reset, Retrigger, Legato (not available in Poly mode)
  • Trigger Sources: up to 4 trigger sources available for each envelope

Matrix modulation
  • 32 slots for source-destination mod routings with amount
  • 35 sources, 191 destinations
  • Modulation slots can be mod destinations and/or Macro destinations
  • Per-voice Modulation sources: bipolar or unipolar

8x Macro knobs and buttons
  • Each Macro knob allows positive and negative control of up to 8 destinations
  • Macros can be modulation destinations

  • Arp parameters can be modulation destinations
  • Modes
    ◦ Up, down, up/down, up & down, note order, random, chord, phrase
    ◦ 64 preset phrases
    ◦ Adjustable length
    ◦ Step offset +/- 32 steps
    ◦ Tap Trigger option: advance arpeggiator with Tap Tempo button
  • Octave
    ◦ Range: 1-6 octaves
  • Play order
    ◦ Up, down, up/down, alt 1, alt 2
  • Swing: Adjustable from 50-75%
  • Gate time: 5-100%
  • Ratchet: repeats notes
  • Chance: sets how often the ratchet takes place

Effects Specifications

Pre-effects: before Delay and Reverb
  • Chorus, Flanger, Rotary, Phaser, Lo-Fi, Tremolo, EQ, Compressor (with side chain), Distortion

  • Mono, Stereo, Panning, LRC (left/right/center), Reverse
  • BPM sync option

  • Hall, Room, Plate, Cloud
  • Freeze mode

Post-effects: after Delay and Reverb
  • Chorus, Flanger, Rotary, Phaser, Lo-Fi, Tremolo, EQ, Compressor (with side chain), Distortion






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